This tutorial shows how to use the R package manymome(S. F. Cheung & Cheung, 2024), a flexible package for mediation analysis, to test indirect effects in a serial mediation model fitted by multiple regression.
Readers are expected to have basic R skills and know how to fit a linear regression model using lm().
The package manymome can be installed from CRAN:
This is the data file for illustration, from manymome:
lm(formula = m1 ~ x, data = data_serial)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 10.15035 0.97278 10.434 < 2e-16 ***
x 0.82684 0.09694 8.529 1.86e-13 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.9211 on 98 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.4261, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4202
F-statistic: 72.75 on 1 and 98 DF, p-value: 1.86e-13
lm(formula = m2 ~ m1 + x, data = data_serial)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.2075 1.4396 1.533 0.128
m1 0.5295 0.1029 5.146 1.39e-06 ***
x -0.2122 0.1303 -1.628 0.107
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 0.9382 on 97 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2463, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2307
lm(formula = y ~ m2 + m1 + x, data = data_serial)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.5543 3.0282 2.825 0.00575 **
m2 0.5736 0.2110 2.718 0.00779 **
m1 -0.4149 0.2413 -1.720 0.08870 .
x 0.4654 0.2746 1.695 0.09331 .
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 1.95 on 96 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.08713, Adjusted R-squared: 0.05861
F-statistic: 3.054 on 3 and 96 DF, p-value: 0.03212
The direct effect is the coefficient of x in the model predicting y, which is 0.465, and not significant.
The Indirect Effects
The three indirect effects are computed from the products:
x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
The product of a1-path, b1-path, and b2-path.
x -> m1 -> y
The product of a1-path and b3-path.
x -> m2 -> y
The product of a2-path and b2-path.
To test these indirect effects, one common method is nonparametric bootstrapping MacKinnon et al. (2002). This can be done easily by indirect_effect() from the package manymome.
Combine the Regression Results
We first combine the regression models by lm2list() into one object to represent the whole model (Figure 1):1
x: The name of the x variable, the start of the indirect path.
y: The name of the y variable, the end of the indirect path.
m: A character vector of the names of the mediators. The path goes from the first name to the last name. In the example above, the path is x -> m1 -> m2 -> y. Therefore, m is set to c("m1", "m2").
fit: The regression models combined by lm2list().
boot_ci: If TRUE, bootstrap confidence interval will be formed.
R, the number of bootstrap samples. It is fast for regression models and I recommend using at least 5000 bootstrap samples or even 10000, because the results may not be stable enough if indirect effect is close to zero (an example can be found in S. F. Cheung & Pesigan, 2023).
seed: The seed for the random number generator, to make the resampling reproducible. This argument should always be set when doing bootstrapping.
By default, parallel processing will be used and a progress bar will be displayed.
Just typing the name of the output can print the major results
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: 0.251
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.075 to 0.500]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.827
m2~m1 0.529
y~m2 0.574
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.343
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.672 to -0.015]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.827
y~m1 -0.415
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.122
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.376 to 0.055]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m2~x -0.212
y~m2 0.574
As shown above, the indirect effect through m1 and then m2 is 0.251. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [0.075; 0.500]. The indirect effect is positive and significant.
The indirect effect through m1 only is -0.343. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.672; -0.015]. The indirect effect is negative and significant.
The indirect effect through m2 only is -0.122. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.376; 0.055]. The indirect effect is not significant.
For transparency, the output also shows how the indirect effect was computed.
Standardized Indirect Effect
To compute and test the standardized indirect effects, with both the x-variable and y-variable standardized, add standardized_x = TRUE and standardized_y = TRUE:
== Indirect Effect (Both 'x' and 'y' Standardized) ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: 0.119
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.038 to 0.228]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.827
m2~m1 0.529
y~m2 0.574
- The effects of the component paths are from the model, not
== Indirect Effect (Both 'x' and 'y' Standardized) ==
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.163
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.317 to -0.008]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.827
y~m1 -0.415
- The effects of the component paths are from the model, not
== Indirect Effect (Both 'x' and 'y' Standardized) ==
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.058
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.176 to 0.025]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m2~x -0.212
y~m2 0.574
- The effects of the component paths are from the model, not
The standardized indirect effect through m1 and then m2 is 0.119. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [0.038; 0.228], significant.
The standardized indirect effect through m1 is -0.163. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.317; -0.008], negative and significant.
The standardized indirect effect through m2 is -0.058. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.176; 0.025], not significant.
Total Indirect Effect
Suppose we would like to compute the total indirect effects from x to y through all the paths involving m1 and m2. This can be done by “adding” the indirect effects computed above, simply by using the + operator:
ind_total <- ind12 + ind1 + ind2
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Function of Effects: -0.214
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.541 to 0.093]
Computation of the Function of Effects:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
The standardized total indirect effect can be computed similarly:
== Indirect Effect (Both 'x' and 'y' Standardized) ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Function of Effects: -0.102
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.262 to 0.043]
Computation of the Function of Effects:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
The total indirect effect is not significant in this example. Nevertheless, this should be interpreted with cautions because the paths are not of the same sign, some positive and some negative. This is an example of inconsistent mediation.
A Serial Mediation Model With Some Control Variables
Suppose we want to fit a more complicated model, with some other variables included, such as control variables c1 and c2 in the dataset (Figure 5).
Figure 5
Although there are more predictors (c1 and c2) and more direct and indirect paths (e.g., c1 to y through m1), there are still only just three regression models. We can fit them as usual by lm():
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: 0.180
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [0.032 to 0.385]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.822
m2~m1 0.421
y~m2 0.521
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.358
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.704 to -0.018]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m1~x 0.822
y~m1 -0.435
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Indirect Effect: -0.060
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.267 to 0.099]
Computation Formula:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Coefficients of Component Paths:
Path Coefficient
m2~x -0.116
y~m2 0.521
The indirect effect through m1 and then m2 is 0.180. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [0.032; 0.385], still still significant after controlling for the effects of c1 and c2.
The indirect effect through only m1 is -0.358. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.704; -0.018]. The indirect effect through only m2 is -0.060. The 95% bootstrap confidence interval is [-0.267; 0.099]. Both indirect effects are not significant after controlling for the effects of c1 and c2.
Standardized indirect effects can also be computed and tested just by adding standardized_x = TRUE and standardized_y = TRUE.
The total indirect effect can also be computed using +:
ind2_total <- ind2_12 + ind2_1 + ind2_2ind2_total
== Indirect Effect ==
Path: x -> m1 -> m2 -> y
Path: x -> m1 -> y
Path: x -> m2 -> y
Function of Effects: -0.238
95.0% Bootstrap CI: [-0.585 to 0.074]
Computation of the Function of Effects:
Percentile confidence interval formed by nonparametric bootstrapping
with 5000 bootstrap samples.
Again, this should be interpreted with cautions because the paths are not of the same sign.
No Limit On The Number of Mediators
Although the example above only has two mediators, there is no limit on the number of mediators in the serial mediation model. Just fit all the regression models predicting the mediators, combine them by lm2list(), and compute the indirect effect as illustrated above for each path.
Easy To Fit Models With Only Some Paths Included
Although x points to all m variables in the model above, and control variables predict all variables other than x, it is easy to fit a model with only paths theoretically meaningful:
Just fit the desired models by lm() and use indirect_effect() as usual.
For example, suppose this is the desired model (Figure 6):
Figure 6
The control variable c1 only predicts m1 and m2, and the control variable c2 only predicts y, and the only indirect path is x1 -> m1 -> m2 -> y.
We just fit the three models using lm() based on the hypothesized model:
x m1 m2 y c1 c2
1 NA 20.57654 9.327606 9.002655 0.109262124 6.011779
2 NA NA 9.467283 11.561813 -0.124013582 6.423912
3 NA NA NA NA 4.278608266 5.336944
4 10.071555 NA NA NA 1.245356016 5.589547
5 11.912888 20.54746 NA NA -0.000932131 5.339643
6 9.126304 16.53879 8.933963 NA 1.802726620 5.905691
If we do the regression separately, the cases used in the two models will be different:
If they are combined by lm2list(), an error will occur. The function lm2list() will compare the data to see if the cases used are likely to be different.2
Error in check_lm_consistency(...): The data sets used in the lm models do not have identical sample size. All lm models must be fitted to the same sample.
A simple (though not ideal) solution is to use listwise deletion, keeping only cases with complete data. This can be done by na.omit():
The package manymome has no inherent limitations on the number of variables and the form of the mediation models. An illustration using a more complicated models with both parallel and serial mediation paths can be found in this online article.
Other features of manymome can be found in the website for it.
Disclaimer: Similarity Across Tutorials
To keep each tutorial self-contained, some sections are intentionally repeated nearly verbatim (“recycled”) to reduce the hassle to read several articles to learn how to do one task.
Cheung, M. W.-L. (2009). Comparison of methods for constructing confidence intervals of standardized indirect effects. Behavior Research Methods, 41(2), 425–438.
Cheung, S. F., & Cheung, S.-H. (2024). Manymome: AnR package for computing the indirect effects, conditional effects, and conditional indirect effects, standardized or unstandardized, and their bootstrap confidence intervals, in many (though not all) models. Behavior Research Methods, 56(5), 4862–4882.
Cheung, S. F., & Pesigan, I. J. A. (2023). Semlbci: AnR package for forming likelihood-based confidence intervals for parameter estimates, correlations, indirect effects, and other derived parameters. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30(6), 985–999.
MacKinnon, D. P., Lockwood, C. M., Hoffman, J. M., West, S. G., & Sheets, V. (2002). A comparison of methods to test mediation and other intervening variable effects. Psychological Methods, 7(1), 83–104.
The function lm2list() checks not only sample sizes. Even if the sample sizes are the same, an error will still be raised if there is evidence suggesting that the samples are not the same, such as different values of x in the two models.↩︎